Kitchen Lighting Ideas

For general kitchen lighting, upper even light distribution gently flowing from the ceiling is optimal. To create such light you may use several categories of lighting fixtures. First of all, it's all sorts of spotlights, both stationary and moving, freely rotating in several directions.

The main task of top lighting is to keep a light atmosphere of the kitchen in the evening. In addition, if the kitchen area in an apartment with open plan has no windows, ceiling light is a complete replacement of fluorescent lighting orienting. In such kitchens with always-on lamps it is difficult to predict the required amount of light. Typically, the light of spotlights is not enough or is too obtrusive.

kitchen lighting
kitchen lighting

This difficult situation has different solutions. For example, you can create the illusion of a ceiling windows. To do this, use the hanging structures modeled from translucent light impermeable materials. The best in this situation is to apply elongated linear sources of artificial light.

General lighting can be created by several ceiling fixtures that provide evenly distributed in kitchen space light. But it often requires too many lamps. Thus sometimes it is better not to uniformly fill the kitchen with light overall, but concentrate ceiling lights above their main functional areas: workplace, dining table and a bar, if available.

Only ceiling lights are often not enough to create a comfortable and enjoyable mood for dinners. Since the kitchen, above all, is a functional place, one of the leading roles is given to the lighting design of a workplace. Ceiling light sometimes is not mandatory, often it is just an addition to different types of functional lighting.

Lighting of a workplace is formed by local light sources. The lamp will give enough light only if it is in a right place at the appropriate level, because the countertop should be well lit. In addition, the incident light should be possible to cover the desktop area, sink and stove.


Sometimes it si enough to built light into the hood, for which a wide variety of lamps is used. If the light from the hood is complemented by other lights, it is better to choose the spectrally similar sources to avoid very unpleasant to an eye color and light discordance.

You should give special attention to the light in the dining area. Creating the mood for a dinner, a very general lighting will not do.

Placing the lamp in the dining area is directly dependent on the location of the table. There are two main options: a table, freely located in the kitchen or adjacent to the wall.

In first case, most often a single hanging ceiling light is used. Its height is chosen arbitrarily, depending on specific requirements. It is always useful if the height is adjustable.

kitchen lighting
kitchen lighting

Highly placed lighting makes table more festive, and low placed lighting makes table close and cozy.

Appearance of a lamp over the table can be complex and very pretentious. Above all, the surface of the table should be covered by a spot of light. So the basic requirement for lampshade over the table is that it should provide an intense directed to the table top light. The rest of the room may remain, depending on the design of the upper part of the lampshade, immersed in darkness, in the penumbra, or dapple with contrasting patterns of light.

The space above a large dining table can be designated by a group of small lights on long terms. They can be placed in geometric order and arbitrarily vary the length of the rod and thereby create a highly original compositions.

In conclusion, it must be said about the main technical features of the kitchen lights. In the working area for high-quality cooking an intense lighting tabletops is required and neutral spectrum lamps that do not distort the natural look of food is preferred. Lighting over the dining table should make dish look nice and appetizing. Soft and cautious light will create a conducive atmosphere for the quiet everyday and festive home for the dinner.



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