How To Install A Chandelier - Step By Step Instructions


A chandelier in a living room (tap to enlarge)

Installing a chandelier require certain skills. If you are going to hang a chandelier by yourself, please read these instructions:

  • Measure the weight of a chandelier you are about to install. Compare it to the weight of your existing light fixture. If the numbers are close, you will be able to use the current junction box. But if the weight of a new light fixture is higher than the old one, you'll have to buy the new junction box to be sure that it will withstand the weight of a new chandelier. If there was no any light fixture in a place where you are going to hang a chandelier, you will obviously need to buy a junction box.
  • Switch off the electricity. Make sure that the power is off in a particular place where the chandelier will be located by using an electrical tester. If there is an old light fixture in this place, than turn ON the switch, unscrew the light bulb and then stick a tester into the socket. If there are two switches, repeat test turning both switches on and off.
  • Detach the existing light fixture. Remember the way it was installed (maybe even take some pictures), and after that mark the wires using adhesive tape.
  • Now it's time to install a new junction box. If you decide to keep the old junction box, skip this step. Unmount the old box and install the new one into its place. This will require some skills as you must make sure that the brace bar will be securely attached to the ceiling joists, and remember to check if the box doesn't stick out from the ceiling into the room below or too far into the attic.
  • Connect the hardware of a new light fixture to a mounting bracket. After that attach the mounting bracket to the junction box.
  • Now it's time to connect a chandelier to the mains. Find and connect the wires with matching colors, they're usually black and white. Sometimes the fixture may have wires that are not colored, for example if it is antique or imported from some exotic country. In this case you must determine which wire is hot and which neutral. If you have the skills to determine it by yourself than do it, and if not you should better hire or at least consult with a professional electrician. When you determine the wires, connect the hot one to the black wire of your home electrical system, and the neutral wire to the white one. Don't forget to remove half an inch of insulation from the ends of the new chandelier's wires. After connecting the wires, screw on wire nuts on the connections.
  • As chandelier models vary widely, the final steps may also differ, so it's better to follow the user's manual.

A chandelier in a living room (tap to enlarge)

To know the best diameter and height of a chandelier, read the article Chandeliers Basics: Narrowing The Choices.



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